xLSTM-Unet can be an Effective 2D & 3D Medical Image Segmentation Backbone

Tianrun Chen*, Chaotao Ding*, Lanyun Zhu*, Tao Xu*, Deyi Ji, Ying Zang, Zejian Li,
KOKONI3D, Moxin (Huzhou) Technology Co., LTD.
Arxiv 2024

*Indicates Equal Contribution


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViT) have been pivotal in biomedical image segmentation, yet their ability to manage long-range dependencies remains constrained by inherent locality and computational overhead. To overcome these challenges, in this technical report, we first propose xLSTM-UNet, a UNet structured deep learning neural network that leverages Vision-LSTM (xLSTM) as its backbone for medical image segmentation. xLSTM is a recently proposed as the successor of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and have demonstrated superior performance compared to Transformers and State Space Models (SSMs) like Mamba in Neural Language Processing (NLP) and image classification (as demonstrated in Vision-LSTM, or ViL implementation). Here, xLSTM-UNet we designed extend the success in biomedical image segmentation domain. By integrating the local feature extraction strengths of convolutional layers with the long-range dependency capturing abilities of xLSTM, xLSTM-UNet offers a robust solution for comprehensive image analysis. We validate the efficacy of xLSTM-UNet through experiments. Our findings demonstrate that xLSTM-UNet consistently surpasses the performance of leading CNN-based, Transformer-based, and Mamba-based segmentation networks in multiple datasets in biomedical segmentation including organs in abdomen MRI, instruments in endoscopic images, and cells in microscopic images. With comprehensive experiments performed, this technical report highlights the potential of xLSTM-based architectures in advancing biomedical image analysis in both 2D and 3D. The code, models, and datasets are publicly available.



      title={xLSTM-UNet can be an Effective 2D \& 3D Medical Image Segmentation Backbone with Vision-LSTM (ViL) better than its Mamba Counterpart}, 
      author={Tianrun Chen and Chaotao Ding and Lanyun Zhu and Tao Xu and Deyi Ji and Ying Zang and Zejian Li},